The wheels are taken out and given a black wash followed by having the red oil nipples painted. Same goes to all the handles and the tow cable anchors.
All handles painted and ready for sand washing.
Sand and some black washing with chips and scratches added in.
Sand and brown washing on the top, the colours are also dotted with black to give it some variations and tones. But imagination and understanding on how acrylic interacts with pastels pigments are useful in this kind of exercise.
The pastel pigments when dry modulated with brown and black looks deeper than the usual flat buff colour one would expect from sand coloured chalk pigments.
The tow cables leads are painted black from reference photos, the cable is painted grey and black washed with dabs of golden brown to simulate early rusting. Colour streaks are done at the side of the turrets and more oil and grime washing was done with streaking in the exhaust area. The tract recieved their Sand washs. The canisters and fire extinguishers are now painted,