Friday, April 27, 2007

Nag Man 1 second update

Another Hectic Day! Managed to clinged a major deal on a joint venture contract and now in very good mood.The model was given the mud treatment with brown pigments along with Mig Acrylic gel, Vallejo matt varnish and some flow enhancers. This was given liberally all over the place without real regard for even distribution. Then the surface is hair dried and allowed to crack when cured. Of course it does not mean any old how whack!

Another look at the side with the mud added. The track part is further treated with several layers to make sure that it forms a thick wash.

When the thing is dried about 6 hours, I washed the model in sand pastels mixed with white chalk in PVA and EAA resins. Concentrating on the details.

Another look at where fine sand will find its way to the nooks and crannies. Even on the roof.

The wheel and tracks were treated similarly as well, nothing is spared, including the stowage materials as dust do not have preference to areas but concentrating on the nooks and crannies for artistic value sake, otherwise, it may end up looking like a piece of metal that fell into a pot of cream paint and desperately trying to get clean in the rain.