Thursday, May 3, 2007

Cromwell Winter Chips

I took a 4 year old model from a friend and whack that ugly looking brownie. I first took out the decals with nails I borrowed from his fingers, then liquid cemented the armour plates to get the texture correct.

Sprayed the tank olive drab, next with Gunze 122 green. Next, I clouded the tank with white. Then I sponged and drybrushed the tank with German Luftwaffe Green and bit mapped glazed it with white Andreas paint as it has the most rough pigments when diluted, looked like white wash on the original tank.From the pics, you see I whack in the sponge method a black pigment loaded brownish green paint and then add in the chips by hand, now 30% completed on the model.....its already 1 am in the morning and time to hit the sack...... cover the precious pigmented concoction and update this page before I go to zong out!

The sand was added before I sprayed the model with resin primer, sand, putty and thinner. Its stuck for life, its a concoction I use on most of my models to get the dried mud tinge. Anyway, it can be mixed into a bottle, which I did and it saves you a lot of materials and is less toxic than the way Mig suggested, which is liquid cement and putty.....deadly stuff, but it works like a flint on dried leaves.....alas, I want to live to 120, the limit set by our creator God choose to use the less toxic way.