Miniatures and Travel almanac of Norman Lim. Norman has travelled to 119 cities and 42 countries. Norman has been making models since 1973, this blog also serves to connect people sharing the same passions as the writer.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Arc De Triumphe
Leaving the Arc De La Defense, I proceeded to the Arc De Triumphe, why? The last time I took pictures of this Arc was in 2002. Then, I had 2 pieces of 128MB Smart Media cards that needed to be cleared out. So I went to the photo shop and burn them into CDs and carry on with all things French, if it doesn't break down or have a glitch in the design, then its a fake. As with all things French, the CD was Kaput! So, we are back on square one again.Leaving the Grande Arc, I took this one last shot sitting on the road! 50 secs exposure. Glad that it worked out. Had glare on these photos as I was lazy to bring the lens hood, so, end up 4 hours of photoshop retouching! they are.
Talking about walking into the sunset, isn't this scene beautiful? I am really happy that I made this trip. Was thinking of sleeping out the night because of the rain the in the afternoon and the cold. well, it is results like this that made the trip well worth it.
Near the Arc, there are a lot of exits from the Metro at Etoile. There is no telling even though its my 4th time here. Anyway, found this nice mansion, so might as well take a few shots.
Arc at the bend, here at this round about, its suicide. In the photo session that I was here, I had a funny feeling, with 5 rows of chaos, some accident was gonna happen and it did! 1 lady driving like a maniac in a Renault Clio Rear ended a Avantime! Rip off her own mirror and remodeled the rear right fender of the luxury sedan! Then there was a Skoda taxi that whacked another Renault Laguna! Average, I do not forsee anything less than 30 accidents on this spot, its lawless, everytime I drive here, I let people horn the hell out of themselves but never allow myself to be pressured to take risks. Normally takes 2 minutes to get to the right turning, then you are safe, especially if you can follow a truck or bus!
Arch top details at close up, 75mm. The battle scenes up there is like the battle scene next to me as 4 bus loads of Ano Nehs off loaded and jostled for camera positions. All trying to flash their way to oblivion but none with a tripod, so, I must have the best photos amongst the mayhem!
Slipped across Champs Elysee, grabbed 6 shots at different temperatures and times and chose this one.
Crossed over another 2 streets to take this shot of a out going corning to try to capture the car lights filtering into the mayhem. I was almost at prone position in order to grab this shot, sat on the floor on my Hugo Boss Pants! My wife will kill me if she found out! Doing it twice in a night on dusty ground after the rain and complete black must be mindless. But all photographers will risk their skins for a good shot. That is why its called a photo bug!
The finer details from that angle, now standing up and allowing to capture the Eiffel at the background. Too bad, the lighthouse isn't on the Eiffel that night. I hear that the Olympic chaos gonna happen the next morning and there was a huge Tibetan flag hanging on the tower that night! Good thing not there, otherwise, they would have mistaken me for a US funded dissident.
Finally, just to prove that I was there and the chap taking the photos.