Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grant CDL Part 5

Then I put in some white artist oils. This is done a little at a time in middle of wide panels to give an effect of varying the toning of the whites.
The oils are blended into the paintwork with a flat nylon brush. This is done in a circular motion on horizontal surfaces and vertically on vertical surfaces to further enhance water rain marks and streaking. I also added little greys, little blues and browns to achieve a variable toning that I liked. This will give the model an overall white look with various hues. Making it more interesting and real.

Then I introduced oils of Raw Umber and Burnt Umber using a sharp cocktail toothpick and streaking them downwards with a dry nylon flat brush. Do not use thinners for this, it will blend in with the whites that are not fully cured to form light brown, what we want is a fading rust streaking and not more blotches of variable tones!

Back of tank with the rust streaking done. Next step is to put in the rust chips with Vallejo German Camou Black and Orange wash of Andrea to accentuate rust build up around some details which I will cover later. Now, its off to Paris for me for work and to ADV Azimuth and Blast Models for some serious shopping with Eunice my wife, and when I am back, we will pick up where we left off for now. End of week 3.