Friday, March 5, 2010

Russell Crowe

Phew, I was away for a good year! A lot has happened, the economic crisis, the restructuring of the company from research to production, new investments, jumping right back right now to pick up the work on the Elite Waffen SS trooper that I left off some 2 years ago after painting the face.

Almost done after 2 weeks of work, camouflage done and attaching the arms and repatching up the joints, repainting it back and having to work on the straps of the MP44 is a killer with super glue stiffened with +2 near sighted glasses.....decided to take a short break from the killer in winter autumn pea type camouflage!

But to prevent me from dying off, I finally went to visit Bernard! To my surprise, he stock almost the whole range of the Young B Song's great range of resin cast figurines.

I pickup up one that depicted Russell Crowe in the movie Officer and Commander. The paintwork photo on the box art is superb, but I would try to depict it with a little bit of my own experimental styling using Vallegio Acrylics for multiple layer glazing.

Can't contain my excitement, sprayed the whole thing with Gunze Surfacer 1000, let it cure for 2 days and over coated the whole thing with Tamiya black spray can ever so lightly.

Once its cured 24 hours, I started the drybrushing, washing with sepia ink, multiple layers of glazes which I suggest every one out there to buy a copy of Osprey's Modelling Waffen SS by Calvin Tan, superb book that will lay your foundations in solid reinforced concrete!

Well, almost done on the head, here is how the two pictures depict my progress.

Body showed the initial process. Black spray, dry brushed white, then dry brush over with base colour as of the bust body.....not before you allow 3 days for the paint to cure properly before the washes and glazes begin. The face is almost done in the forground with some small touch ups needed to smoothen the face. The unshaven look is done by grey mixed with green and dot matrixed down like we would with small chips...the hair is painted black, drybrushed in white, then ochre, yellow, buff and sunny skin tones to get a 3D feel of tonal variations to it. Dilute black and sepia is used to tone down the disparity.

Hope you guys like this update, will get back to it in a few days before I head to the English Isles for some hectic work! Cheers brothers....don't give up, never give in.