There was immense problem of painting since I came back from UK. It must be all that moving of stuff in the exhibition that I pulled a muscle or something. Whenever I handle a small thing such as a paint brush, it seemed that I cannot hold it properly without feeling losing control and something is stretching in my forearm causing me to lose grip on the fingers.....

This is very evident in my painting of straight lines today....I found that I cannot paint a straight line. I can only paint the lines, then fill it back up with red and purple later to make it straight again.

It is most apparent if you looked at this part of the cape. My wife told me to have it checked with the Chinese Sin Seh at our neighbourhood as it may mean the end of my hobby for good, much to her celebrating of throwing away my 500 model kits still left undone in the closet!

I was very afraid to go to such professors in the local chinese medication hospital to have this done, it only spells one thing that is almost an inevitable characteristics of such visits, intense pain and lots of bitter medication to the pain or the end of 500 model boxes worth 40,000 bucks in the closet.....pains on both win situation....bad man, bad.