I watched the movie again and found that my vest is a little too dark for Captain Lucky Jack Aubrey, so, I repainted the whole vest and also darkened the blue coat with some more matt black glazing.I visited the Royal Navy Museum in Plymouth and found the hats did not have the golden sashes but black ones. However, in the movie, the ones found in the hats were gold. So, I wiped out the good old 4X0 brush and etched it slowly the gold thread and followed by a black wash and dry brush again with gold.Finally, I am happy. This is the final look.
I finally finished the skin tones for Ramses. 1 hour after midnight I am done. Decals in sections are looking ok on the head dress. The rest has to be painted in by hand. Next up, the nipples, the veins, further highlights for the muscle tones. Then we are next gonna go back to the head dress to allow a few days for the body to cure.