Saturday, November 24, 2012

British Tankie Face Done

Last two weeks had been hectic, right after M Con, me and my son had to pack in 6 hours, we find ourselves flying to a foreign factory to do some project for the Army. Stayed for 9 days. But we had 2 days over the weekend to catch some sightseeing.

Night view of  Eastern Taipei from the 89th Floor of the Taipei 101. 

Appreciating good coral sculptures. Its great to see this work of heavenly art curved out of one solid piece of rock! Now back home, we take 1 hour a day to continue on our little tankie.

Blocks of colour done. Burnt Cadmium, Flat Brown for the shadows, Sunny Skin Tone with 20% Salmon Rose, Basic Skin Tones for the highlights. The intermediates are done later with the wet method to mix between the colours of the highlights and the shadows.

Mid tones are added, 4 tonal mixes to smoothen the skin tones. Luftwaffe Green is glazed in shaven areas. In 4 layers to prevent over shadow the skin tones below to form a translucent layer concentrated on the shadows.

Modulated the forehead and dotted in the super dark grey/blackish spots to form stubs of beard. More touch ups on the super highlights on the top of the cheek bones, the lower eyelids and top half of the eye brows.

Beret is sprayed flat black Mr. Color, then highlighted to German Sea Grey. Cap batch is masked off from the rest of the beret and drybrushed with the same grey, drybrushed with Flat White to form a dynamic base for the silver coating over which we will apply using Vallejo Air Aluminum.

The cap badge is drybrushed with Aluminum, shaded with diluted black, then highlighted with Chrome silver to form a 3D look. Next, I need to work on the Woolie Poolie. Problem with that is that the paint tended to look too glossy, I also added the black recess line with the super duper Escoda brushes. More on that on the uniform which is kind of tricky, British Uniform for the Cotton Overalls, lighter Khaki for the smocks, yet the Greenish Woolie Poolies underneath round the neck. 

There was a lump on the H of the FEAR NAUGHT cap badge that I intended for the base that needed some work. There were some minor bubble spots on the cheek bone area of the face, nothing that cannot be solved with a trusty Olfa scalpel.

More next time.