Monday, March 3, 2014

Kawanishi N1K1 Part 4

2 weeks of home renovations take a toll on work. Sawdust everywhere took a week just to vacuum.

Then there is a move into the new hobby centre from my table.

But after 2 days of highlights and rubbing down and chipping, the N1K1 Shiden is almost done. With only the Machine gun ports and dorsal antenna.

Highlights are sprayed onto the top surfaces to replicate some sun baking. Some extra chips are added via using a silver pencil.

The props is in with chips using cut sprue and painting. Nose cone is rubbed with Colgate.

Shading the top surfaces.

The air filters added and the fuel tanks weathered.

Rear rivets after highlights.

Almost there. See you in a few days for the finale/ Then we start work on my 1/32 Hasegawa Stuka G2 Kannonenvogel.
