The Berlin wall is somewhat a oxymoron to is a wall set up by the turncoat, ex-Nazi ally Josef Stalin to keep people of the Imperialist Capitalism out....yet also to keep people from freedom. What was created to keep people out became a place where people longed to get out over to the other side.
From this photo, you acan see the paradox. Here we see the western visitors, in sections of the walls not made to be robust looking to find out whats it like to be imprisoned over the other side, which the soviets had built solid concrete walls that can stand really a lot of beatings. From this picture, you can tell the difference in construction between the two sets of walls.
Nearby, there is a memorial on people who did not make it. It is sad to see that there are some who were shot just less than a week before the wall came down! The quest for freedom and its advent being so sudden kept the world intrigued and stunned at the same time.
This place where Hitler once stood to review the million troop march past enroute to conquest of Poland, a deal struck with Soviet Stalin. This is separated from the Hindenburg gate just meters apart behind this. This stood west Berlin, the side of the good guys.
The separation line between the west and the east, between progress and demonic oppression. Here I am standing on a section of the wall remaining on the eastern side, the western wall is easily removed, unlike this one. Behind, we find PORTSDAMER PLATZ, the new "in" of this glowing and growing Metropolis, called BERLIN.
Here we see a photo of the wall that separates riches from rags, sanity from madness. One side people are rewarded for their hard work, the other side, people get to live if the work hard, or find themselves on the wrong end of a Makarov of Kalashnikov. Up to today, the symbol of oppression - to those who are free, and of freedom - to those who are brainwashed and hypnotized, is one of the Kalashnikov.
Even in the free world, once too free, no one is free remaining. The freedom of some has taken its liberty to limit the freedom of the rest in society. This is weakness and polarisation of human rights. Some human has more rights than other right humans.....ironically, in a human rights arena a true reflection in a public voice speaking louder by this sign!CHECKPOINT CHARLIE
Checkpoint Charlie has always been a place where James Bond movies gets its fuel of excitement from. Here we find that we turn back the clock where thousands lost thier lives looking for freedom.

Plague showing honour to Leonid Breshnev at the entrance of his house, the murderer of millions and the empowerment of the KGB.
Here we see a photo of President Ronald Reagan visiting Checkpoint Charlie during the 80s.
A typical watch tower, aptly, should be named the shredder, here we see a position where machine guns were mounted to shred all those who thought life is better off with freedom. I saw another photo in the midst where a soldier from the east jumped the barb wires in a dash to freedom even in uniform and full loaded gear!
This is what I am talking about. Even the guards needed to be guarded from escaping to freedom, the shooter risking being shot himself. The price of freedom we so easily taken for granted.
View from American side, entering the domain where freedom ends and the mission of 007 begins.
Street where the Jewish monument was placed. 6 million Jews perished under Hitler, but few people realised that many more perished under the Soviet tyranny.
The Jewish Memorial
Me at Checkpoint Charlie Museum where many lost their lives.
Check Point Charlie, the Soviet side, see the lights that shines into the cars so that none can escape, also the sand bag bunkers for firefights.