Miniatures and Travel almanac of Norman Lim. Norman has travelled to 119 cities and 42 countries. Norman has been making models since 1973, this blog also serves to connect people sharing the same passions as the writer.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Where the Berlin Wall separates, we find the line on the ground and the remnants of the actual wall. Here is a picture of me standing in front of a remnant and behind the wall is the place where this posting is about.

The place where we got off and parked our Touareg illegally! Never paid a cent....why? We are foreigners who knew not better! Hahaha....
Behind the building where we parked in Potsdamer Platz....the "in" place in Berlin. At the background is the Ritz Carlton hotel. This is the DB station.
Buildings at Potsdamer Platz is about who is who. The number on lights on after dark is also phenomenal. There was even a video wall that took the whole building as the screen! If you want green earth, you won't find it here, not in this part of Germany!
A shot I took of the HQ of Deutsch Barn, the train company, the lights are full on and a delight to watch. Not the electrical bills though.
The sexiest building of them all with the most power consumption has to be the Sony Centre.

At the back of the Sony Centre is this in build space with shops and restaurants even a cineplext with a parachute type of design for a roof! This is beautiful when it gets dark. It also has a basement where you can find shops of various retail lines.

There is this shop that has the change of colour every few seconds, more of a gradual thing. Very intriguing to the eye. I don't know what it sells, the attraction is good, but you do not know where the entrance is! As with most parts of crazy germany, shops are closed when you get off work and opened when you work! Any wonder why they go bust?