I visited Berlin in 2006 and visited the company that I just left, VW. It was a memorable trip as I embarked on this invention trip that made me a globetrotter over night. Sometimes I regretted it due to lack of resources, others, exhilarating due to high adventure of new discoveries.
Berlin Tower in the shape of a Football or FUSSBALL
To get to the exciting parts, you have to master the art of being an asshole and park in the carpark in the middle of the road and pretend that you are a construction worker. With our Touareg, there is little problem with that. Meaning, the asshole part!
This is where we parked, quite smart eh? Don't know and we don't care, just chuck and siam quickly. Simple! Ugly Singaporeans in action. Got enough practice from the Ponggol Nasi Lemak stall adventures training for 5 years, we can disappear and reappear quickly!
It was said once that the new Berlin was built on the back of women! True, with millions of their men dead from the war, the women built this city not on rock and roll, but rock on rock, one piece at a time, albeit, under the watchful eyes of the commies.
The fountain of Neptune. This is between two large churches, it is amazing that the place where the Gospel Reformation first took place had mythology in their midst. By and large, Europe has not heard the Gospel, not at the way we know it today from New Creation Church.
Sat down and drink coffee. Here, inside and outside, same price, unlike Paris, which cost 1.90 Euros if you stand at the bar and 2.60 if you sit inside, and then almost 3 bucks if you sit outside.
Sculpture inside the Opera Theatre.
The Opera Theatre next to the river, the statue that I took with is at the arch entrance below the bronze statue.
One of those lost heroes of Germany's great past. If you ask me, who is it? I don't know, forgotten to write down. Moral of the story is, write down, it is more useful than you think. Some Federic something....see, now nobody believes you are there, see? Write down, won't take too much effort, but goes a long way.
Hall of the great people, I think this place is one of those Hitler places. Big open space in front to have a nice "SCARE YOUR PANTS OFF" Parades. The shout of a million soldiers here is good enough to turn anyone's blood cold with intimidation!
They are celebrating Germany, the land of great minds. Strange, at one time, people with the word STEIN and BURG at the back of their names where painted with stars of David and shuffled on to trains to places of no return! E=MC2 was Albert after he ran off to America to be in the Land of the Free and Brave.

JER SIAO, as always, tickling the fellow outside the Opera.
The Canal that runs through Berlin is a treat, asked about the boat ride and it said "26 Euros" gave us marching orders to think about alternative modes of transport. For the three of us 26 Euros each meant that we have to cough up almost 100 bucks just to sit in an old ferry. Fat hope....typical Singaporean in action and proud of our own legs! Ain't no kwai lowes gonna con our dough!
Views of the Supreme Court where many untold thousands were condemned to death in the Commie years I think. Not sure about the history though, but with all that coal marks on the court, I am not surprised.
Teach your children these and you will bet your last dollar that you will lose them and to God be a loss. The Laws of Moses were for God to sit on under His Mercy Seat, but to flaunt it begets rebellion! Cain killed Abel and left God, he was before the Law and he was not condemned, yet the first person who went out to collect fire wood on Sabbath after the Law is given was condemned to die! The Law is God's part, ours is reliance of His Mercy and Goodness which will hunt us down all the days of our lives.
Berliner Taxi anyone? We did not bother to ask the price, one look at the female rider, we know, the seat ain't for CHING CHONGS from Singapore, only the RING CHING CHONGS from China! You will be surprised, the biggest watch retailer here, CHRIST, had staff, GERMAN Ang Mors who spoke perfect Mandarins, not of any wonder, I was standing next to one and bought only a Maurice Lacroix for my wife, the guy next to me, the real CHING CHONG, bought an Austemeur Picquet (can't even spell it correctly....okay okay...AP) Off Shore Rose Gold and a Lange & Sonne Lange 1! No match, same skin, different wine skins!

They have this save the planet Bear Campaign, Frankly, the only one that can save it is the One that created it. Man, with all that talk cannot get over one thing, GREED. Now there are GREEN GREED marketing campaigns.