It has been a project that took longer than I anticipated due to my travelling to the UK for some work. Finally I attached the cobra and I have yet to paint in the black lines to accentuate the details on the head dress cobra, but as it is, I am quite happy the way it turned out. As the original sculpt did not have too many details on the face, this has been a very difficult project for me to paint mostly due to the head dress, which needed some shading which was done right after these pictures were taken.
There was some white fumes powder showing after the CA glue dried, this is also corrected after the photos were taken.
A very young friend of mine is a Warhammer enthusiast and I promised him to work on one of his heroes....which is the one next to the bust that was just primed.

Not being an avid model maker, I can understand the work laid up for me just to clear up the sprue flashes, but I cannot do anything to the figure standing on his heels because its stuck! Carving a completely assembled figure is a daunting task indeed!